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Scott Welch. Boxing Director

WBC Cares UK is a tribute to WBC founder Dr Jose Sulaiman and is part of the greater World Boxing Council family. We bring together the resources of the WBC to make a difference and help people in need through the power of boxing.

The WBC Cares UK team is made up of professionals from all walks of life, brought together by their love of Boxing and willingness to give their time to help those in need. Each team member is an expert in their field and is able to give unique assistance to the projects whilst also being able to draw in other professionals in their field when needed.

A message from the UK Chairman and Boxing Director of FitLab

“It is a huge honour for me to have been asked to help develop the WBC Cares program in the UK. Having had a successful career for myself, nothing brings me greater pleasure than to help develop the next generation of boxers & to be able to help our communities through the power of boxing & team spirit. We will be raising money for charities through events, fundraisers & sponsorship whilst also providing safer boxing training through our carefully prepared ‘Safer Boxing Programme’. This was a chance to become involved in a project & team which can really make a difference to peoples lives & one that I relish.”

Follow TheMovement

Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much. When we get together and find what connects us, our world gets a little closer. Let’s find more that brings us together. From all of us at FitLab