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Worthing Boxing Programme

“Knowledge is power!”

Our programme has been developed from our very successful gym in Hove; Brighton and Hove Boxing Team.

Worthing Boxing Programme has community at the heart of everything it does. We’re here to sweat together, train together and progress as people. Building confidence one punch at a time. Getting knocked down and getting back up again. This is about empowerment – feeling stronger, inside and out. This is about making new friends.

Under the WBC banner we offer “Little Champs Camp” and our “Boxing School”.

Little Champs Camp

The WBC Little Champs camp focuses on developing fitness and life skills whilst having fun. The camp is held in a safe, fun and energetic environment for children to develop and grow. Boxing training is a great way of tackling the rising obesity levels in children today.

Training helps keep children physically active and teaches the importance of good nutrition. We understand the importance of children taking part in exercise so we integrate fun drills and games that not only get children moving but also teach them a new skill. Through learning these skills it really stimulates a child’s mind and mental focus through memorisation of different combinations and the use of hand eye coordination. Not only does boxing training increase a child’s confidence and self-esteem it instills discipline, respect and self-control.

Boxing School

Over the 12 sessions you will learn everything you need to develop as a boxer from how to wrap your hands and stand correctly to footwork, punches, punch combinations and defence. You will also see a massive improvement to your strength and fitness levels.

The course provides before and after fitness tests and also teaches you functional movement techniques to improve strength, mobility and coordination. Members completing this course report a huge improvement to their body composition, confidence and fitness by the end of the 4 weeks, without any excessive dieting or struggle! The course takes a fun and supportive approach to boxing and is suitable for all levels of fitness, age and ability.

Follow TheMovement

Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much. When we get together and find what connects us, our world gets a little closer. Let’s find more that brings us together. From all of us at FitLab